Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Big goals and Baby steps

I am very interested in expanding my cultural experiences as far as possible. With the ease in which people in our world today can connect, either online or through travel, I think it is a responsibility to reach out beyond the one culture that one is born into. I am studying Japanese in order to study abroad in Japan and immerse myself in a new environment. I am an aspiring artist very interested Haiku and Japanese theatre and film traditions. My goal abroad is to exchange ideas about art and express myself artistically in another language, which requires more than language proficiency--this will certainly be the challenge.


  1. I agree that learning the language is going to help one appreciate the culture better!

  2. Wow so cool. What kind of arts are you doing?

    1. I really like creative writing. I write plays and I am interested in studying poetry. I would really love to see some Japanese theatre, specifically some movement-based work. I worked on a research paper previously on Butoh dance theatre and it inspires my theatrical work ever since. Are you interested in any artistic pursuits?

  3. マジェンスキさん、こんにちは。はじめまして。TAの こばやしです。わたしは どようびに、狂言(きょうげん、one of the traditional Japanese theater)をみました。おもしろかったです。マジェンスキさんも、みてください。ではまた。

  4. Heyo, Notre Dame Japanese student here. I'm not an aspiring artist, but I do love art, especially photography which I have pretty expansive knowledge of (no, I'm not a basic Instagram person). Japan has AWESOME art. In every art form I find that Japanese works always provide diversity and unique perspectives, both in the past and in modern art. When I've been to exhibitions and museums in New York I find that a lot of western art has similar themes and styles, but Japanese art is always so fantastically diverse, even when compared to itself. It's really cool and I think Japan is a great place to study abroad for art, especially if you're interested in creating art that is completely new and innovative. Studying in Europe, I feel, would just improve upon the basics of classical understandings of art, but anyway, this is getting long and I think you get the point. Awesome, cool, wow, etc. Peace.

    1. Hi there! Thanks for commenting. It's nice to meet you. How's your class going so far? I love what you said about the diversity of art even when compared to itself. I think that's something we lack in American art, or at least in the popular sense (without people rejecting it for being different in some way). I'd love to hear about your photography some time. Always interested in sharing work!
